Equipment Description
Approved as channelizing device -- "tool used to temporarily guide traffic on public roads" -- by the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
While many cones come in various sizes the ones typically used by safety zone are in the 36” range
A Cautionary warning system used in various closures for assisting/adjusting oncoming traffic through changed road conditions
Flagger Paddle
A tool utilized by all traffic control workers to manually assist oncoming traffic as a warning system and to momentarily pause traffic if needed. Usually combined with hand
signs to continue traffic flow.
Variants of all warning signs these provide an easy temporary setup that allow more storage room as the signs roll up to be easily put away and put up.
These are available in 36” and 48” sizes
The more commonplace sign made of a machined metal these signs vary in size from 12” all the way to 48”
More commonly used in permanent/semi-permanent setups